The Arelsa Group
Arelsa is a manufacturer of electrical panels, automatisation, telemanagement systems and smart city solutions.
Urban Solutions Area
It includes low-voltage electrical panels and smart city telemanagement systems.
Full solutions for smart streetlighting and smart port.
We also provide engineering service, eneergy consultancy and maintenance.
Industry Area
Manufacturers of distribution and automation of electrical panels for industry.
Car manufacturers, chemical plants, infrastructure (hospital, tunnels, hotels, etc.)
Arelsa Group
Two companies are part of Arelsa Group
- ARELSA Armarios Eléctricos S.A. (manufacturer)
- TESYSE Telegestión Sistemas y Servicios Energéticos S.L.
(engineering and consultancy)
Our headquarters are located in Lliçà de Vall, 20 km. (12.5 miles) from Barcelona, where we currently employ 50 people.